CrossFit Republic – CrossFit
Daily Strength and Conditioning Team W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (Time)
For Time in Teams of 3 Splitting Reps However Desired…
90 Double Unders
60 Toes to Bar
30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (115/85)
100/80 Calorie Echo Bike
90 Double Unders
60 Toes to Bar
30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (135/95)
100/80 Calorie Echo Bike
90 Double Unders
60 Toes to Bar
30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (155/105)
RX+: 135/95, 155/105, 185/125
Intermediate: 95/65, 115/85, 135/95
Scaled: 45/55, 75/55, 95/65
Beginner: 2:1 Hang Dumbbell Power Snatch (25/15)
Toes to Bar Modifications
– 1:1 Toes as High as Possible
– 1:1 Knees to Chest, Elbows, or Waist
– 2:1 Ab Mat Sit Ups
Double Unders
– 135 Single Unders (1.5 to 1)
– 135 Line Hops (1.5 to 1)
– 90 Double Taps
F/F/M Bike: 86 Cals
M/M/F Bike: 94 Cals
Teams of 2
60 Doubles Unders, 40 Toes to Bar, 20 Snatches
M/F: 60 Cals
M/M Bike: 66 Cals
F/F Bike: 52 Cals
Team of 1:
30 Double Unders, 20 toes to Bar, 10 Snatches, 33/26 Calorie Bike