CrossFit – Thu, Jan 2

CrossFit Republic – CrossFit

Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – 32 Minutes (3 Rounds for weight)

0 Minutes – 8 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Reverse Grip Double Dumbbell Bench Press

8 Minutes – 16 Minutes: 4 Sets of 8 Gorilla Kettlebell Rows (Each Side)

16 Minutes to 24 Minutes: 4 Sets of 15 Banded Overhead Tricep Extensions (TAKE YOUR TIME! PAUSE FOR A SECOND AT FULL EXTENSION)

24 Minutes to 32 Minutes: 4 Sets of “21s” Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls

Athletes, you choose your own weight here and you can either build as you go or stick with a weight that challenges you all the way through. Band resistance is tough to gauge so we will just record three weights today. You can add your band color in the notes for your own record.





Endurance W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

Climb the ladder as high as possible in 30 minutes of…

5 – 10 – 15 – 20 – 25 – 30 ….and so on climbing by 5 Reps/Cals


Dumbbell Push Ups

Plate Sit Ups (10 lbs)

Renegade Rows (35s/25s) (L/R = 1)

For scoring, we’ll make this simply and every full time through is a round. So if you finish the round of 30 and get into the round of 35, your score would be 6 Rounds + X Reps
This workout is a balance of mono-structural cardio, push, pull, and core. Although this is endurance and we’re working hard against the clock, focus on quality everything here. Every rep and calorie is an opportunity to refine your craft. For extra added challenges in the ring row, use a box to elevate your feet.

Modify your push ups by not using dumbbells, going to your knees (with or without dumbbells), or using a box.

Modify your renegade rows by reducing weight and/or going from your knees.

Modify your sit ups by ditching the plate and going with straight ab mat sit ups.

