CrossFit – Wed, Jan 22

CrossFit Republic – CrossFit

Daily, Strength, and Endurance W.O.D. – 25 Minutes (5 Rounds for reps)

Every minute on the minute for 25 minutes complete:

Minute 1: 20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

Minute 2: 16 Lateral Bar Over Burpees

Minute 3: 12 Deadlifts (225/155)

Minute 4: Max Ring Muscle Ups

Minute 5: Rest

RX+: 30/20 Wall Ball, 275/185 Deadlift

Intermediate: 185/125

Scaled: 135/95

Beginner: 95/65

You should be getting at least 10-15 seconds rest each minute, with the exception of Minute 4. Break up the ring muscle-ups or pull-ups early and often. This will allow you to get more reps during your 1 minute of work, and it will decrease the chance of ripping. One minute is a long time for muscle-ups and pull-ups, so be strategic with your breaks — do not go to failure on Round 1. Stay consistent throughout all 5 rounds.

Intermediate option:

Every minute on the minute for 25 minutes complete:

Minute 1: 20 Wall Ball Shots (20/14)

Minute 2: 16 Lateral Bar Over Burpees

Minute 3: 12 Deadlifts (185/125)

Minute 4: Max Chest to Bar Pull Ups or Bar Muscle Ups

Minute 5: Rest

Scaled option:

Every minute on the minute for 25 minutes complete:

Minute 1: 16 Wall Ball Shots (14/10)

Minute 2: 12 Lateral Bar Over Burpees

Minute 3: 8 Deadlifts (135/95)

Minute 4: Max Ring Rows, Pull Ups (Regular, Banded, or Jumping)

Minute 5: Rest

RX is completing all work within each minute and score is total Ring Muscle Ups or gymnastics movement of your choice. Be sure to keep track of each round of max reps.