CrossFit Republic – CrossFit
Daily Strength W.O.D. – 15 Minutes (2 Rounds for weight)
Push Press (Heavy Day) (6 Sets from the Rack)
3 – 3 – 3 – 3* – 3 – 3*
Score is 4th and 6th sets of the push press
Athletes, I’ve been giving you percentages in the last few months but today, I want you to start heavy and stay heavy today in a 6 set build up of a heavy set of 3. This should get challenging today. I’ve given you 15 minutes to complete 6 sets which will put you on a crunch. Don’t game the first 2 or 3 sets. When we say “heavy day,” that means your starting weight is NOT a warm up.
So coaches, with two movements today, work hard to get them to the rack so they can get their barbell loaded with a heavy weight for that first set.
Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 12 Minutes (Time)
For Time
5 Rounds
10 Chest to Bar Pull Ups
15 Push Press (135/95)
Barbell comes from the ground.
RX+: 155/105
Intermediate/Masters: 115/85
Scaled: 95/65
Beginner: 45/35
Chest to Bar Pull Ups Scaling Options
– 1:1 Kipping, Butterfuly, Banded, or Jumping Pull Ups
– 5 Strict Pull Ups
– 15 Ring Rows
– 15 Seated Barbell Pull Ups
This workout is meant to be a fast paced “pull-push” workout. The gymnastics is intentionally built in a way that allows achievable unbroken sets with a moderate weight barbell that may move well in the beginning but slowly become more challenging deeper into the workout. The barbell should be completed in no more than 2 sets or else it may be too heavy.