CrossFit Republic – CrossFit
Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – 32 Minutes (2 Rounds for weight)
0 – 8 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Double Dumbbell Chest Press with Twist (Score last set both dumbbell weights)
8 – 16 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Single Dumbbell Pullover (Score last set dumbbell weight)
16 – 24 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Banded Seated Tricep Extensions (No score just note heaviest band color for yourself)
24 – 32 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Banded PVC Bicep Curl (No score just note heaviest band color for yourself)
Endurance W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 25 minutes of…
10 Burpees
10 Air Squats
10 Push Ups
10 Abmat Sit Ups
50 Meter Farmers Carry (70s/55s)
50 Meters would be just to side walk and back but it is just over 150 feet so if it’s too cold or dark to go outside, put cones 30 feet apart and perform it as 5 cone touches.
Intermediate: 55/35
Scaled: 35/25
Beginner: 25/15