CrossFit – Tue, Mar 4

CrossFit Republic – CrossFit

Daily Strength, Conditioning, and Endurance W.O.D. – 35 Minutes (Time)

10 Rounds for Time (with a Partner)

30′ Handstand Walk (Cones 30 Feet Apart)

5 Snatches (155/105) (Power or Squat)

7 Ring Muscle-Ups

30′ Handstand Walk (Cones 30 Feet Apart)

RX+: 185/125

Intermediate: 135/95

Scaled: 95/65

Beginner: 75/55

Handstand Walk

– 3 Wall Walks = 30 Foot Handstand Walk

– 6 Half Wall Walks = 30 Foot Handstand Walk

– 60 Foot Bear Crawl

Ring Muscle Ups

– 1:1 Bar Muscle Ups

– 1:1 Burpee Pull Up

– 1:1 Ring Row + Ring Dip

Athletes, this workout is high compounding volume and high skill. Break up the work however you’d like. The barbell weight should be heavy today but not so heavy that you severely risk speed. Despite the challenging nature of all of these movements, they’re built with a rep amount that should allow you and a partner to break them up reasonably.