
The Best Gym in Republic for Endurance
Endurance / Bootcamp Classes Near Brookline, Missouri

CFR Endurance Program

At CrossFit Republic we believe and focus on all facets of fitness. Endurance is one of those. Endurance workouts are Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. It is a posted workout on the website that is alongside the daily class WOD. You have a choice on which you would rather do that day. These workouts offer a different spin on Crossfit with our “boot camp” style with lighter weights and longer cardio sessions. Just show up, warm up with the class, and then get started!

This class is to increase a person’s endurance by building a foundation of proper running and rowing technique and doing workouts with lighter weights at high intensity, which will allow people to increase stamina and endurance, without the detrimental effects of long distance training.


  • To outrun a lifter and outlift a runner.
  • To increase an athlete’s endurance (increase physical capabilities in workouts longer than 15 minutes.)
  • To increase a person’s endurance without monotonous high-mileage runs.
  • To have fun!

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