CrossFit – Fri, Feb 7

CrossFit Republic – CrossFit

Coach and Athlete Preparation for this Workout

Coaches, there are A LOT of movements today. Programming like this is out of character for me but I was inspired by the Monster Games 2021 team workout “Poseidon” which originally had double unders in part 2 but I had removed since we already visited that movement this week. Focus your warm ups on general upper body (Lat) engagement which will help on both the gymnastics and olympic lifts. Tailor your specific warm up towards the Snatch and Overhead Squat. Give all the athletes enough time to get inverted and on rings or at least find their appropriate scaling options.

Athletes, I’m aware we’ve been upside down and pressed this week but handstand work is very different than a walk or barbell press. Do your best to find some challenges in your modifications for this workout that are different than what you’ve already accomplished this week.

Daily Strength and Conditioning Team W.O.D. – 25 Minutes (Three Parts) (Time)

25 Minute Running Clock

Teams of 2 Splitting Reps as Desired

Part 1

For Time

21 Power Snatch (135/95)

21 Toes to Bar

21 Strict Handstand Push Ups

18 Power Snatch (135/95)

18 Toes to Bar

18 Strict Handstand Push Ups

15 Power Snatch (135/95)

15 Toes to Bar

15 Strict Handstand Push Ups

Directly Into…
RX+: 155/105

Intermediate: 115/85

Scaled: 95/65

Beginner: 45/55

Toes to Bar Modifications

– Knees to Chest, Arms, Above Waist

– Abmat Sit Ups

– Toes to Rig

Strict Handstand Push Ups

– 1:1 Kipping Handstand Push Ups (Intermediate)

– 7/6/5 Wall Walks (Intermediate/Scaled)

– 1:1 Pike Push Up on Floor or Box

– 1:1 Double Dumbbell Strict or Push Presses (Scaled)

Part 2 (Time)

For Time (Splitting Reps as Desired)

12 Overhead Squat (185/125)

24 Calorie Echo Bike

12 Ring Muscle Ups

9 Overhead Squat (185/125)

18 Calorie Echo Bike

9 Ring Muscle Ups

6 Overhead Squat (185/125)

12 Calorie Echo Bike

6 Ring Muscle Ups

3 Overhead Squat (185/125)

6 Calorie Echo Bike

3 Ring Muscle Ups

Echo bike Calories are the same for everyone today.

Math will be required to calculate this time coming out of Part 1. You may consider trying to start at a point that’s easy to do that math.
RX+: 205/145

Intermediate: 145/95

Scaled: 95/65

Ring Muscle Ups Modifications

– 1:1 Burpee Pull Ups

– 1:1 Ring Muscle Up Transitions

– 1:1 Ring Row + Ring Dip

Part 3 (2 Rounds for weight)

In any remaining time…

Find a combined heavy squat snatch as a team