CrossFit – Fri, Jan 3

CrossFit Republic – CrossFit

đź“Ł CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! đź“Ł

Name: Sam Nelson

Hometown: Clever

Age: 40

1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR?

I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we were starting CrossFit regardless of how I felt about it! So despite my reluctance, I gave it a try and as they say, the rest is history.

2. Tell us about your sports and fitness background.

I have always loved sports. I spent the majority of my high school years playing softball and basketball almost year round. In college, I missed being on a team, so I played tons of intramural sports. That transitioned into coed softball as an adult and now I help coach my daughter’s teams.

3. How did you first get exposed to CrossFit?

My first time hearing about CrossFit was from Jennifer Jackson. She and I were in a Bible study together and she had just started attending classes. I was pregnant with my 3rd at the time so fitness wasn’t even on my radar. After Vi was born, we started attending the same homeschool co-op as Jen and Macy so CrossFit became more familiar to my world. But really, it took Ben dragging me through the doors to get me in here. I have never regretted it!

4. What was your first workout and how did it go?

I don’t remember the exact WOD but there was a lot of rowing and abmat sit-ups. I now know to use a yoga mat for that many sit-ups!

5. Favorite movement/least favorite movement:

Favorite is definitely cleans. Least favorite is definitely burpees.

6. What class time do you typically come to?

I’m a nooner right now but hoping to transition back to the 6am as our school semester starts back up again. I need that early morning discipline in my life.


7. What sort of changes have you seen in your body, health, and fitness since starting CFR (before/after)?

After I had kids, my fitness really went downhill. It’s tough with really little kids to make yourself a priority. Before I started CFR, I was the heaviest, weakest and least confident I have ever been in my whole life. Not a good feeling. CFR gave me the skills and knowledge to change that. The nutrition clinics helped me know how to fuel myself. The programming made me strong. The people kept me coming. Ben and I own a construction/remodel company and when I work with him I can actually be helpful thanks to CFR. I thank CrossFit a million times a day when I’m able to do something that requires strength and coordination in my everyday life.

8. Please share with us any favorite CrossFit or CFR moments.

My oldest daughter has been coming to class with me for several months and I love seeing her succeed. She will be stronger than me in no time and I am here for it!

I have made lots of good friends at CFR and I am so thankful for them. There’s something about doing hard things together that really bonds people.


9. Any advice for people just getting started or new to CrossFit?

Your brain will hold you back more than your body will. Don’t add the weight until after you lift it. Be consistent. Your effort might vary day to day, but showing up is where the mental gains are made.

Back Squat (Daily Strength W.O.D. – 18 Minutes

Build to 1 Rep Max Back Squat)

It’s the start of a new year, and today is all about setting the tone. Whether you’re chasing a new PR or establishing a solid baseline for the year ahead, the focus is the same: lift with quality . The goal is to move well, stay controlled, and see where your strength is right now.

Remember, progress isn’t just in the number—it’s in the form, consistency, and confidence under the bar. Let’s get after it!

Setup :

Feet shoulder-width apart or just outside of shoulders, toes slightly turned out.

Barbell rests on your traps or upper back (find the spot that feels strong).

Hands should be just outside your shoulders with the bar locked into position.

Bracing :

Take a deep breath into your belly and engage your core like you’re about to take a punch.

Keep your chest up and spine neutral throughout the lift.

Descent :

Push your hips back and knees out as you lower.

Keep your weight evenly distributed across your feet—don’t shift to your toes or heels.

Maintain control; no crashing into the bottom position.

Depth :

Aim for at least parallel, but go deeper if your mobility allows without losing tension or form. Below parallel is our ultimate goal.

Ascent :

Drive through your heels and engage your glutes to stand back up.

Keep your chest up and knees tracking outward—no collapsing inward.


Respect the process. Warm up methodically, listen to your body, and take manageable jumps in weight.

A new PR is exciting, but a clean, technically sound lift is even better.

Be patient and celebrate wherever you land today.

Let’s set the standard high for the year ahead!

Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 7 Minutes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)

As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible of…

30 Foot Handstand Walk (Cones 15 Feet Apart so down and back)

3 Front Squats (From the floor) (185/125)

RX+: 225/155 (This option is a competitor option and should only be used if the athlete is able to complete it unbroken and still finish about 3 – 4 sets of this workout.)

Intermediate: 155/105

Scaled: 135/95

Beginner: 95/65

Intermediate Example

9 Handstand Push Ups

3 Front Squats (155/105)

Scaled Example

30 Foot Bear Crawl

3 Front Squats (135/95)

Beginner Example

9 Double Dumbbell Strict Press (35s/25s)

3 Front Squats (95/65)

Handstand Walk Scales

– 30 Foot Bear Crawl

– 30 Second Handstand or Pike Hold

– 9 Handstand Push Ups

– 6 Strict Handstand Push Ups or Strict Pike Push Ups

– 3 Wall Walks (Bring reps down if this take more than 45 seconds)

– 9 Double Dumbbell Strict Press (Challenging weight)
Athletes, I know this is a short burner today but I wanted to give plenty of time to find a true 1 rep max. Typically, an athlete could spend their entire session in the gym finding a 1 rep max for the day and could quite possibly be the only work that he/she does but I know that it’s important for a lot of people to move more so I threw in this short one to make sure you got your anaerobic work in.