CrossFit Republic – CrossFit
The Barbell Games Team Fitness Competition 2025 registration is officially!
As any of the staff members about ideas for people if you’re looking to put together a team. We can always call upon potential outside competitors if necessary!
Link to Sign Up:
Link to Volunteer:
Daily Skill W.O.D. – 9 Minutes (AMRAP – Rounds)
Every 90 Seconds on the 90 Seconds Complete…
30 Double Unders
30 Foot Handstand Walk
Cones are 30 feet apart
6 Points Total
Intermediate: 3 Wall Walks
Scaled: 60 Foot Bear Crawl
Double under practice is okay today but stop around the 30 second mark to give yourself time to knock out the skill work.
Reduce handstand walk distance if needed for the RX athletes looking to practice.
The next couple days will be a lot of volume and load. Today is meant to just focus on some basic skills while enjoying some incredible February weather within the W.O.D. below. Saturday was a lot of volume on the legs for those that went so todays running and cardio should flush the lactic acid out of the legs.
Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 18 Minutes (Time)
3 Rounds for Time
800 Meter Run
50 Double Unders
RX+: 80 Double Unders
Intermediate: 30 – 40 Double Unders
Scaled: 15 – 25 Double Unders
Modify Run
– 1000/800 Meter Row or Ski
– 60/48 Calorie Bike
Modify Double Unders
– Reduce reps as mentioned above
– 75 Single Unders
– 50 Plate Hops (25lbs Plate)
– 25 Hollow Rocks (Unable to Jump)
Double-Under: Perform a 30 second test to see how many Double-Unders you perform. Over 30 – perform 5. 15-25 reps, perform 30 in the workout. 5-10 reps, perform 15 in the workout. 1-5 reps, do 20 attempts. Use same rep guidance if we are working on Single-Unders. If we have an injury that prevents us from performing Double-Unders, Single Unders or Jumping, perform 25 Hollow Rocks.
Intended Stimulus
This workout is designed to be a heavy conditioning workout. Our Double-Under option is something that we could theoretically perform unbroken, especially unloaded. We should still be able to do this as well today, however, a few strategic breaks are totally fine. They should be taking us no longer than 90 seconds at the very longest to complete.