CrossFit Republic – CrossFit
Back Squat (Daily Strength W.O.D. – 15 Minutes
Back Squats
3 Sets of 12 Reps
@ 60% of your 1RM
Athletes looking for a bigger challenge may climb up to 70% today but I wouldn’t go much farther than that in order to save yourself for the rest of the week.)
Athletes, this hypertrophy style set up will build significant muscular endurance, promote muscle growth through increased time under tension, and will help with fat burning by elevating your heart rate for a sustained period of time. Figure a set every 5 minutes for adequate recovery.
Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 12 Minutes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps)
As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 12 Minutes of…
12 Pistol Squats (R/L = 1)
6 Box Overs (24/20)
12 Kettlebell Goblet Box Step Ups (24/20) (70/55) (R/L=1)
6 Box Overs (24/20)
Intermediate: 55/35
Scaled: 35/25
Beginner: 25/15
Pistol Squat Modifications and Progressions
– Banded Pistol Squats
– Rig Support Pistol Squats
– Foot Supported Behind Heel Pistol Squat
– Pistol Squat Off Box
– Heel Elevated Pistol Squat
– 12 Air Squats
Box Over Modifications
– Reduce Height of Box
– Plate Jump Overs
– Plate or Box Step Overs
Athletes, pistol squats are not a movement we see often but with the Open coming up, anything is possible so I’d like to at least expose us to the movement or progression of the movements. If you’re struggling with any of the possible options today which the coaches will demonstrate, feel free to utilize the air squat. You will still achieve a good workout.