CrossFit – Thu, Feb 20

CrossFit Republic – CrossFit

Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – 32 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight)

32 Minutes

Complete a set every 2 minutes and move on to the next movement once 4 sets of a movement are complete. Build in weight as you go or stay consistent across rounds. Get a pump. Have fun.

0 – 8 Minutes: 4 Sets of 8 Double Dumbbell Bench Press with 3 Second Pause at the Bottom (Score Both Dumbbells of Last Set)

8 – 16 Minutes: 4 Sets of 8 Single Arm Dumbbell Row (Score One Dumbbell of Last Round)

16 – 24 Minutes: 4 Sets of 10 Seated Rear Deltoid Flys (Both Dumbbells at Same Time) (Score Both Dumbbells of Last Set)

24 – 32 Minutes: 4 Sets of 8 Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls with 3 Second Pause at the Top (Both Dumbbells at Same Time) (Score Both Dumbbells of Last Set)




Endurance W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (Time)

For Time

3 Rounds

500/400 Meter Row

10 (30′) Double Kettlebell Front Rack (55s/35s)

10 (30′) Double Kettlebell Offset Carry (Left Up, Right Front Rack) (55s/35s)

10 (30′) Double Kettlebell Offset Carry (Right Up, Left Front Rack) (55s/35s)

10 (30′) Double Kettlebell Overhead Carry (55s/35s)

10 (30′)Double Kettlebell Farmer’s Carry (55s/35s)

For the front rack or offset carries, it’s important that we’re not resting the kettlebells on the top of our shoulders. This will result in you missing the stimulus of todays grunt work endurance workout. The idea is to build some fatigue in the shoulders as time goes on by keeping our elbows pointed forward with our upper arms parallel with the ground. See the video below for further demonstration.


Extra Core Work (Checkmark)

3 Rounds NFT

10 Bench Leg Raises

10 Oblique Twists (L)

10 Oblique Twists (R)

