CrossFit Republic – CrossFit
Daily Bodybuilding Bro – Session 32 Minutes (3 Rounds for weight)
0 – 8 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Reverse Grip Bench Press (Score weight of the 4th set)
8 – 16 Minutes: 4 Sets of 15 Seated Banded Close Grip Underhand Pull Down (You can sit on the floor or a bench. Stay closer to the rig for a more aggressive targetting of the biceps). No score. Just get a pump.
16 – 24 Minutes: 4 Sets of 15 Overhead Dumbbell Tricep Extensions (Score weight of dumbbell on 4th set)
24 – 32 Minutes: 1 Set of 1 to 10 to 1 (Pyramid) Barbell Bicep Curls (45/35) with a partner passing it back and forth as you climb the pyramid. Example: Athlete 1: 1 Bicep Curl, Athlete 2: 1 Bicep Curl, Athlete 1: 2 Bicep Curls, Athlete 2: 2 Bicep Curls and so on until you get to 10 and then back down to 1. Score the weight of the barbell if completed unbroken.
Daily Endurance W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (Time)
4 Rounds for Time
500/400 Meter Row
20 Double Dumbbell Walking Lunges (R/L=2) (35s/25s) Hold dumbbells farmer carry style
15 Burpees Over the Rower
*Step over the rower as a scaling option or do regular burpees.
THIRD OPTION – GOAT Workout – 20 Minutes (Checkmark)
“Goat” is CrossFit slang for a movement that challenges us.
Examples: Double-Unders, Pull-ups, Overhead Squats, Handstand Push-ups.
These are the best days to turn perceived weaknesses into strengths. No better way to do that than today. We don’t improve our technique with a high heart rate – that’s what we refer to as “training”.
Today can be geared towards “practice,” dialing in our mechanics with a controlled heart rate.
As an example, to improve the technique of double-unders, we want to practice at a low-intensity where we can really focus on the mechanics of the hands and the timing of the jump. When we couple “training” with “practice” throughout the week in the right doses, we set ourselves on the fast track to results.
Choose two “Goats” to work on, and we’ll alternate between them on each minute. Choose an appropriate rep scheme for each movement that keeps things in the practice intensity range.
Athletes have the option to stick with the same movements each week or switch things up. There are pros and cons to both. Sticking to the same movements and creating a “mini progression” can be very helpful. No right or wrong answer here.
Knowing these Goat Days are coming, we can be proactive and get out ahead of things. As an athlete, start brainstorming ideas on movements and rep schemes before the day of the workout. This makes for a smooth time of practice.
COACHES – There may be athletes who just want to come in and get a skilled, killer workout in. Turning these into more of a conditioning piece is also an option. Athletes can alternate between two cardio movements for 20 minutes if they’d like. Below are examples of a few different options for Goat Days.
Practice Example 1:
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes complete…
Odd Minutes: 30 Seconds Double Under Practice
Even Minutes: 3-6 Handstand Push-ups
Practice Example 2:
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes complete…
Odd Minutes: 2-5 Ring Muscle-ups
Even Minutes: 30 Seconds Handstand Walk
Practice Example 3:
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes complete…
Odd Minutes: 5 Power or Squat Snatches (40%)
Even Minutes: 1 Rope Climb
Cardio Example 1:
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes complete…
Odd Minutes: 1 Minute Bike
Even Minutes: 1 Minute Sit-ups
Cardio Example 2:
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes complete…
Odd Minutes: 15/12 Calorie Row
Even Minutes: 12 Burpees
Every minute on the minute for 20 minutes complete…
Odd: Movement 1
Even: Movement 2
After the general warmup with the class, movement prep will be different for each athlete based on their movements. This is where athletes setup equipment if necessary and coaches can continue to assist the rest of the class but also lean in and give any quick insight into your GOAT workout.
The only think to keep in mind is the “why” behind the day. Rather than competing or training hard, athletes can look to maintain a high focus and lower heart rate. With this being lower intensity, the minutes will not likely be full of work. This allows for more time for athletes to coach themselves, within the workout than most days.