CrossFit – Wed, Jan 1

CrossFit Republic – CrossFit

Daily Strength W.O.D. – 12 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight)

On a 12 minute timer, perform 4 sets of 10 Deficit Deadlifts standing on a plate of your choice.

Percentage: 40 – 50% of your 1 Rep Max Deadlift

Athletes, the deficit deadlift requires a lot of internal rotation from the hips. If your hips don’t have this type of range of motion, the sacrum can’t nutate which is a motion required to drive the hips backwards. With that being said, you may try to step on a 25 lbs plate today and struggle. That’s OKAY! Try a 10 lbs plate. It’ll be a small deficit but enough to challenge you for this block of strength building.


Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 15 Minutes (Time)

5 rounds for time of:

300/250 Meter Row or Ski

10 Deadlifts 225/155


Today’s sprint workout will light up your posterior chain. Push the pace on the rower/ski and challenge yourself to stay unbroken on the deadlifts for as many sets as possible. The loading on the barbell should be moderately heavy and allow you to complete each set of deadlifts in 2 sets or less.

Intermediate/Masters: 185/125

Scaled: 135/95

Beginner: 95/65

Endurance W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (Time)

For Timeā€¦

24 – 21 – 18 – 15 – 12 – 9 – 6 – 3

Double Dumbbell Deadlifts (50s/35s)

Burpees Over the Dumbbell

10/7 Calorie Bike After Each Round

Intermediate: 40s/30s

Scaled: 35s/25s