Nutrition Coaching

Nutrition Coaching Near Billings, Missouri

Nutrition and Wellness Coaching Pricing

You will have easy access to contact your coach that goes beyond the typical weekly check-ins model used in most traditional nutrition coaching platforms. Our number one goal is to help you be successful. While we have many different packages to fit different budgets, take a moment to ask yourself, what is it worth to you to find optimal health? Our goal is not to keep you as a client forever but to arm you with the tools to be successful.

Leslie Franklin

I have always had a passion for fitness & nutrition, so in 2008 I decided to quit my career as a Graphic Designer and take my passion to the next level. That’s when I started my career as a Personal Trainer and Nutrition Coach. I love teaching others the importance of good nutrition, proper supplementation, and working out. Hearing my clients’ stories about how much better their lives are since they began eating right and working out is an amazing feeling knowing that I was a small part in their journey to a healthier life. I thrive on helping others reach their goals, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, sports performance, strength gain, or simply better health.

As a trainer & coach I’ve helped hundreds of people transform their bodies for bodybuilding competitions, powerlifting meets, running events, CrossFit competitions, pageants, and many many LIFE transformations! I also have the huge honor of being head coach of the Special Olympics Powerlifting program in the Springfield, MO area.

I have been an athlete all my life since age 6 when I began gymnastics. I have always competed in some sort of sport, starting with gymnastics, softball, cheerleading, track and field, high school & collegiate soccer, 5 K’s, 10 K’s, half marathons, bodybuilding, powerlifting, & finally in 2017 my passion for CrossFit began.

My highlights as an athlete are; finishing my one and only Half Marathon, winning my weight class & placing 2nd overall at the USPA Worlds Powerlifting Meet, placing top 100 in the world in the Crossfit Open Online Qualifier 40-44 category, competing as a natural pro figure competitor, and earning my IFBB Pro card in the Figure category.

Now I’m training at CrossFit Republic and giving nutritional advice to my CrossFit Republic family whom I love and have grown so close to. I’m excited to help others achieve their goals not just inside but outside of CrossFit Republic and BEYOND!

Packages – Includes initial consultation (if needed), macro-based nutrition plan and food suggestions, supplementation recommendations, cardio recommendations (if/when needed) twice weekly check-ins, unlimited email communication.

Email to inquire further at [email protected].

Jennifer Jackson

In September of 2016 I first walked through the doors of Crossfit Republic. I was 42 years old, had a 3 year old daughter and was wanting to lose weight and get healthy. I had never done any type of physical fitness, so I really had zero background in fitness. I immediately fell in love with the culture and community and knew this was going to become part of my life.

In March 2017 one of the CFR coaches was introducing the new “CFR Nutrition program” and he said something that changed the course of my life. He said “If you are coming to the workouts and giving it your all in the gym, but going home and destroying all your results in the kitchen, what’s the point?” That statement was so profound, because I had been doing crossfit for 6 months and hadn’t seen the results I wanted. It was 100% what I was or wasn’t doing in the kitchen. So, I signed up for the program. In one year I lost 50lbs from my body. My life was literally transformed over that year. I became passionate about the process of reclaiming my life, my health and ultimately my destiny, so I got my Fitness and Nutrition Certification and started coaching clients at Crossfit Republic in April of 2018.

Since my initial weight loss, I have maintained that 50lb loss and have become stronger and healthier than I ever imagined at the age of 47!

What you can expect from me as a coach:
I am very hands on. I will walk with you through your journey with empathy because I have walked this same road and I am still walking it. I never ask my clients to do things that I am not myself also doing.

We will work together for you to figure out what your goals are and then dig deep into them together. I practice ‘habit-based” coaching, which is learning 1 habit at a time. I will never ask you to change everything at once, that is a recipe for failure. Instead, I will have you work on getting better at one thing, then once we have that, we will move to the next. This program isn’t a quick fix, but I promise that if you put in the work you will see results. The beauty of it not being a quick fix is that the habits you create will help you to have a life change that is lasting. My own journey is a testament to that.

We will look at sleep, water intake, stress management, healthy plates, meal prep/planning, movement in the gym as well as recovery and mobility.

The one thing that I have learned over and over in my own personal journey is that nutrition is the secret weapon to fitness and wellness. Many overlook it, but it is key. You cannot do enough “workouts” to compensate for a poor diet, I promise, I have tried as have many others.

If you are ready to be intentional about your wellness, this is the next step!

Email to inquire further at [email protected].

Casey Garcia

Athletics has been a prominent feature in my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up playing sports including softball, volleyball and cheerleading through high school. Even when my school had to cut funding for volleyball my senior year, I organized a group of us to play outside of school and coached us for a season. After high school, I began long distance running doing a multitude of 5ks, 10ks, 15ks and even 1 very grueling half-marathon. Throughout all of this I have studied all the ways in which I could improve my training and what I found was that everything led back to nutrition.

After learning my daughter was born having tremendous acid reflux as well as other digestive issues, I began to pour my time into studying what is in our food, and how it affects us. I learned so much about what our bodies need not only to survive, but to thrive. Little did I know that this would be a passion that would foster a complete change in the direction of my life.

In 2018 I began working out at CFR along with running daily. It wasn’t long after that when I began doing crossfit competitively, even getting myself on the podium. It was then that I began to see an opportunity to use that knowledge that I had been gaining to help others achieve success not only in the gym but also in all aspects of life.

In 2021 I began the road to becoming a personal trainer and nutrition coach and am certified in both of these fields with specializations in youth/senior health and fitness, corrective exercise, exercise recovery as well as strength and conditioning. These courses opened my eyes to have a deeper range of knowledge that I can use to help others in their journey.

As a nutrition coach at CFR, I am here to tackle life’s excuses with you!!! I have heard everything from “diet food is gross’ ‘ to “I don’t have time to eat healthy” . A healthy lifestyle is simply a decision away. I help my clients achieve the lives they are looking for while still eating foods that are fulfilling for their taste buds as well. As your coach, you can expect an individualized approach to your specific needs. There is no “cookie-cutter” way to do this. Everyone’s body and needs are different. I can’t wait to help you achieve your goals!

Email to inquire further at [email protected]

Melissa Shrimplin

With a past as a special education teacher for 7 years, coach of volleyball and archery at the middle and high school level, and now as a provider for mental health services in our local community, I have always been pushed to live a life of stewardship and service to others. I have always been hungry to continue to grow through various forms of leadership and coaching. That position has always found me, no matter the season of life that I am in.

Through my Crossfit journey as an athlete and now as a coach, I find my cup overflowing when I am able to touch someone’s life through fitness in ways that don’t merely affect their performance in the gym. My goal as a coach is to prepare my athletes for life. My journey as an athlete led me down the path to better my own life, and the lives of those around me. As time has gone on, nutrition has been a major piece of that puzzle. I wanted to continue to grow my abilities and knowledge as not just a Crossfit Coach so I began to pursue my certification in nutrition and continue to consume as much information that I can get my hands on to move the needle. Through the implementation of these ideas and concepts that I have learned in real time, I found what I am putting in my body the 23 out of 24 hours of the day that I am outside of the gym had a significant effect on my 1 hour at the gym. Through making small changes in my diet and daily habits, I was able to experience significant changes in body composition and even more importantly started to change the narrative I had around food to be positive.

In the fall of 2022, I finished my Nutrition Coaches Certification through Precision Nutrition and started interning at Crossfit Republic to become a nutrition coach.

I am very excited to have the opportunity to join you on your nutrition journey and help you make the small but compounding changes that will greatly affect your life both in and out of the gym.

Email to inquire further at [email protected]

Mike Hastings

I am an enthusiast of life’s transformative journey. In 2020, I found myself weighing the heaviest I had ever been at 262 pounds and navigating the challenging waters of divorce, I decided it was time for a change.

In the face of adversity, I embarked on a journey to reclaim my health and happiness. Fast forward to today, I’ve shed an incredible 80 pounds, not just in body weight but in the burdens that held me back. None of which would’ve been possible without the coaches and community that I had to guide and support me.

Through a combination of exercise and nutrition, I’ve discovered a newfound strength—physically, mentally, and spiritually. This holistic approach has been my compass, guiding me to a healthier, more balanced existence. In short, I found a version of myself I didn’t know existed. This profound journey has ignited a passion for nutrition and fitness within me.

Now, as a dedicated nutrition and fitness coach, I am committed to helping others unearth the healthiest versions of themselves. My mission is to guide individuals, just like you, on a path to physical well-being and holistic vitality.

I believe in the transformative power of personalized fitness and nutrition. It’s not just about the numbers on the scale; it’s about fostering a resilient mind, a strong body, and a thriving spirit. Together, let’s sculpt a version of you that radiates health and happiness.

Whether you’re just beginning your journey or seeking to elevate your current path, I’m here to support you. Let’s connect! Reach out via email at [email protected], and together we can embark on a journey towards the healthiest and happiest version of yourself.

Think about it?

Is a higher quality of life worth a small daily investment?
How much will you save on insurance premiums, doctors’ visits, prescriptions, and missed days of work?

We often find ourselves waiting for the “perfect time” to get in shape. The more we try for “perfect timing”, the worse our long-term health becomes. The time is now, because right now is what you have. What are you waiting for? Take one day at a time, one step at a time and twelve months from today you will be celebrating your success instead of looking back to where you wish you could be if you would have started. Let us help you break that cycle.

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