CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bring a Friend Free Saturday W.O.D. – 24 Minutes (Time) Every 4 Minutes on the 4 Minutes Complete… 20 Single Kettlebell Goblet Stationary Lunges (70/55) (R/L=2) 15 Wall Balls (30/20) 10 Kettlebell Swings (70/55) Score is your slowest time Intermediate: 55/35 KB, 20/14 WB Scaled: 35/25 KB, 14/10 WB Beginner: 25/15 KB, 10/6 WB Athletes, this will be an absolute assault on the legs and is a solid lactate threshold workout meaning, how well do your legs recover (removal of lactic acid in the muscles) between efforts. Try not to sit in between sets because that’s how it builds up. Keep moving and walking around and don’t let it settle in. I’d like for everyone to have at least 1 minute of rest in each set. If you’re getting less than that in the first and second round, consider scaling back the weight and then the...
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