CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bring a Friend Free Saturday W.O.D. – 24 Minutes (Time) Every 4 Minutes on the 4 Minutes Complete… 20 Single Kettlebell Goblet Stationary Lunges (70/55) (R/L=2) 15 Wall Balls (30/20) 10 Kettlebell Swings (70/55) Score is your slowest time Intermediate: 55/35 KB, 20/14 WB Scaled: 35/25 KB, 14/10 WB Beginner: 25/15 KB, 10/6 WB Athletes, this will be an absolute assault on the legs and is a solid lactate threshold workout meaning, how well do your legs recover (removal of lactic acid in the muscles) between efforts. Try not to sit in between sets because that’s how it builds up. Keep moving and walking around and don’t let it settle in. I’d like for everyone to have at least 1 minute of rest in each set. If you’re getting less than that in the first and second round, consider scaling back the weight and then the...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bring a Friend Free Saturday W.O.D. – 25 Minutes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 25 Minutes of… 30/24 Calorie Row/Ski or 24/19 Calorie Bike 24 Kettlebell Goblet Forward Lunges (70/55) (R/L=2) 18 Kettlebell Swings (70/55) Intermediate: 55/35 KB Scaled: 35/25 KB Beginner: 25/15 KB Goblet Forward Lunges Scales – Reverse Lunges – Static Lunge (12 on one leg then 12 on the other) – No Weight Forward, Reverse, or Static Lunges Athletes looking for a different stimulus today may do this workouts as an E5MOM for 25 Minutes guaranteeing 5 rounds as well as changing this workout to a lactate threshold style workout along with the muscular and cardiovascular endurance. In order to do this correctly, you must perform each round at about 85%-90% of max effort to get the intended stimulus if you decide to go this...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bring a Friend Free Saturday W.O.D. – 25 Minutes (AMRAP – Rounds and Reps) As Many Rounds and Reps as Possible in 25 Minutes of… 30/24 Calorie Row/Ski or 24/19 Calorie Bike 24 Kettlebell Goblet Forward Lunges (70/55) (R/L=2) 18 Kettlebell Swings (70/55) Intermediate: 55/35 KB Scaled: 35/25 KB Beginner: 25/15 KB Goblet Forward Lunges Scales – Reverse Lunges – Static Lunge (12 on one leg then 12 on the other) – No Weight Forward, Reverse, or Static Lunges Athletes looking for a different stimulus today may do this workouts as an E5MOM for 25 Minutes guaranteeing 5 rounds as well as changing this workout to a lactate threshold style workout along with the muscular and cardiovascular endurance. In order to do this correctly, you must perform each round at about 85%-90% of max effort to get the intended stimulus if you decide to go this...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Daily Strength and Conditioning Team W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (Time) For Time in Teams of 3 Splitting Reps However Desired… 120 Double Unders 60 Toes to Bar 30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (115/85) 100/80 Calorie Echo Bike 120 Double Unders 60 Toes to Bar 30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (135/95) 100/80 Calorie Echo Bike 120 Double Unders 60 Toes to Bar 30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (155/105) RX+: 135/95, 155/105, 185/125 Intermediate: 95/65, 115/85, 135/95 Scaled: 45/55, 75/55, 95/65 Beginner: 2:1 Hang Dumbbell Power Snatch (25/15) Toes to Bar Modifications – 1:1 Toes as High as Possible – 1:1 Knees to Chest, Elbows, or Waist – 2:1 Ab Mat Sit Ups Double Unders – 180 Single Unders (1.5 to 1) – 180 Line Hops (1.5 to 1) – 90 Double Taps F/F/M Bike: 86 Cals M/M/F Bike: 94 Cals Teams of 2 80 Doubles Unders, 40...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Daily Strength and Conditioning Team W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (Time) For Time in Teams of 3 Splitting Reps However Desired… 120 Double Unders 60 Toes to Bar 30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (115/85) 100/80 Calorie Echo Bike 120 Double Unders 60 Toes to Bar 30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (135/95) 100/80 Calorie Echo Bike 120 Double Unders 60 Toes to Bar 30 Snatches (Power or Squat) (155/105) RX+: 135/95, 155/105, 185/125 Intermediate: 95/65, 115/85, 135/95 Scaled: 45/55, 75/55, 95/65 Beginner: 2:1 Hang Dumbbell Power Snatch (25/15) Toes to Bar Modifications – 1:1 Toes as High as Possible – 1:1 Knees to Chest, Elbows, or Waist – 2:1 Ab Mat Sit Ups Double Unders – 180 Single Unders (1.5 to 1) – 180 Line Hops (1.5 to 1) – 90 Double Taps F/F/M Bike: 86 Cals M/M/F Bike: 94 Cals Teams of 2 80 Doubles Unders, 40...
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