CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – 32 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) 0 – 8 Minutes: 4 Sets of 10 Seated Alternating Double Dumbbell Arnold Presses (L/R= 1) 8 – 16 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Alternating Double Dumbbell Front Raises with Isometric Hold (R/L= 1) 16 – 24 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Alternating Double Dumbbell Lateral Raises with Isometric Hold (L/R=1) 24 – 32 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Double Dumbbell Upright Rows (Same Time) *Score 2 Dumbbells of Last Set of Each Movement. Endurance W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (Time) For Time… 5 Rounds 500/400 Meter Row/Ski or 30/24 Calorie Echo Bike 25 Ring Dips 25 Ball Slams (30/20) Ring Dip Modifications – Assist with Feet Out in Front (On Floor or Small Box) – Assist with Feet Behind (On Floor or Small Box) – Assist with a Band – Bench Dips () () () ()...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – 32 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) 0 – 8 Minutes: 4 Sets of 10 Seated Alternating Double Dumbbell Arnold Presses (L/R= 1) 8 – 16 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Alternating Double Dumbbell Front Raises with Isometric Hold (R/L= 1) 16 – 24 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Alternating Double Dumbbell Lateral Raises with Isometric Hold (L/R=1) 24 – 32 Minutes: 4 Sets of 12 Double Dumbbell Upright Rows (Same Time) *Score 2 Dumbbells of Last Set of Each Movement. Endurance W.O.D. – 30 Minutes (Time) For Time… 5 Rounds 500/400 Meter Row/Ski or 30/24 Calorie Echo Bike 25 Ring Dips 25 Ball Slams (30/20) Ring Dip Modifications – Assist with Feet Out in Front (On Floor or Small Box) – Assist with Feet Behind (On Floor or Small Box) – Assist with a Band – Bench Dips () () () ()...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Daily Strength W.O.D. – 16 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) Power Clean Waves 4 Rounds Minute 1: 3 Power Cleans (Touch and Go) Minute 2: 2 Power Cleans (Touch and Go) Minute 3: 1 Power Clean Minute 4: Rest Building in weight as you go. Make sure that each time you reset the bar for the next set of 3 Power Cleans that the bar is heavier than the previous set of 3 Power Cleans so that you’re starting from a heavier baseline each round. There are 4 total rounds of these waves today. You will record 4 weights today. You will record the weight of the “1 Power Clean” minute in each round. With a low rep amount today, this is meant to be heavy so don’t start with anything less than 70% of your 1 Rep Max Power Clean. Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 10...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Daily Strength W.O.D. – 16 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) Power Clean Waves 4 Rounds Minute 1: 3 Power Cleans (Touch and Go) Minute 2: 2 Power Cleans (Touch and Go) Minute 3: 1 Power Clean Minute 4: Rest Building in weight as you go. Make sure that each time you reset the bar for the next set of 3 Power Cleans that the bar is heavier than the previous set of 3 Power Cleans so that you’re starting from a heavier baseline each round. There are 4 total rounds of these waves today. You will record 4 weights today. You will record the weight of the “1 Power Clean” minute in each round. With a low rep amount today, this is meant to be heavy so don’t start with anything less than 70% of your 1 Rep Max Power Clean. Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 10...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Daily Strength W.O.D. – 16 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) Power Clean Waves 4 Rounds Minute 1: 3 Power Cleans (Touch and Go) Minute 2: 2 Power Cleans (Touch and Go) Minute 3: 1 Power Clean Minute 4: Rest Building in weight as you go. Make sure that each time you reset the bar for the next set of 3 Power Cleans that the bar is heavier than the previous set of 3 Power Cleans so that you’re starting from a heavier baseline each round. There are 4 total rounds of these waves today. You will record 4 weights today. You will record the weight of the “1 Power Clean” minute in each round. With a low rep amount today, this is meant to be heavy so don’t start with anything less than 70% of your 1 Rep Max Power Clean. Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 10...
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