CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bring a Friend Free Saturday W.O.D. – 25 Minutes (Time) For Time… 4 Rounds for Time… 60 Double Unders 20 Single Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches (50/35) (Switch arms every rep) 15 Toes to Bar 10 Kettlebell Swings (70/55) Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches Intermediate: 40/30 Scaled: 35/25 Kettlebell Swings Intermediate: 55/35 Scaled: 35/25 – Switch to Russian (eye level) if need be Toes to Bar Scale – 1:1 Toes to Rig – 1:1 Knees to Chest, Waist, or Elbows – 1:1 Toes as High as Possible – 1:1 Ab Mat Sit Ups Double Unders – 75 Single Unders – 75 Line Hops – 60 Double TapsThis may possibly be the grippiest workout I’ve ever programmed but there’s intention to it. However, if at any point you feel as if safety becomes an issue for yourself in hanging on to a specific movement whether it be...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we were starting CrossFit regardless of how I felt about it! So despite my reluctance, I gave it a try and as they say, the rest is history. 2. Tell us about your sports and fitness background. I have always loved sports. I spent the majority of my high school years playing softball and basketball almost year round. In college, I missed being on a team, so I played tons of intramural sports. That transitioned into coed softball as an adult and now I help coach my daughter’s teams. 3. How did you first get exposed...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we were starting CrossFit regardless of how I felt about it! So despite my reluctance, I gave it a try and as they say, the rest is history. 2. Tell us about your sports and fitness background. I have always loved sports. I spent the majority of my high school years playing softball and basketball almost year round. In college, I missed being on a team, so I played tons of intramural sports. That transitioned into coed softball as an adult and now I help coach my daughter’s teams. 3. How did you first get exposed...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we were starting CrossFit regardless of how I felt about it! So despite my reluctance, I gave it a try and as they say, the rest is history. 2. Tell us about your sports and fitness background. I have always loved sports. I spent the majority of my high school years playing softball and basketball almost year round. In college, I missed being on a team, so I played tons of intramural sports. That transitioned into coed softball as an adult and now I help coach my daughter’s teams. 3. How did you first get exposed...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we were starting CrossFit regardless of how I felt about it! So despite my reluctance, I gave it a try and as they say, the rest is history. 2. Tell us about your sports and fitness background. I have always loved sports. I spent the majority of my high school years playing softball and basketball almost year round. In college, I missed being on a team, so I played tons of intramural sports. That transitioned into coed softball as an adult and now I help coach my daughter’s teams. 3. How did you first get exposed...
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