CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bring a Friend Free Saturday W.O.D. – 25 Minutes (Time) For Time… 4 Rounds for Time… 60 Double Unders 20 Single Alternating Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches (50/35) (Switch arms every rep) 15 Toes to Bar 10 Kettlebell Swings (70/55) Single Dumbbell Hang Power Snatches Intermediate: 40/30 Scaled: 35/25 Kettlebell Swings Intermediate:...Read More
CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we...Read More
CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we...Read More
CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we...Read More
CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we...Read More
CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we...Read More
CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we...Read More
CrossFit Republic – CrossFit CrossFit Republic’s December Athlete of the Month! Name: Sam Nelson Hometown: Clever Age: 40 1. When did you first start training at CFR and what brought you to CFR? I started at CFR in Aug 2020. After coming to one of the free WODs over the summer, Ben decided that we...Read More