CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bench Press (Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh Part 1 – Bench Press 15 Minutes 5 Sets of 5 Bench Press 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%, 80- 85%) Athletes, bench press requires your legs and core just as much as any other movement we do. Whether you’re tucking your feet under or creating a firm stable flat footed base on the ground, think about squeezing your glutes as your drive your feet and tighten your core with a strong diaphragm breath held deep. While you’re pushing the bar, elbows should track 45 degrees and you can think about doing this by cork screwing your hands outward as you drive the bar up. Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – Part 2 (The Burner) – 16 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) Every 4 Minutes on the 4 Minutes Complete… 15 Double Dumbbell Chest Flys 15 Standing Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Same Time)...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bench Press (Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh Part 1 – Bench Press 15 Minutes 5 Sets of 5 Bench Press 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%, 80- 85%) Athletes, bench press requires your legs and core just as much as any other movement we do. Whether you’re tucking your feet under or creating a firm stable flat footed base on the ground, think about squeezing your glutes as your drive your feet and tighten your core with a strong diaphragm breath held deep. While you’re pushing the bar, elbows should track 45 degrees and you can think about doing this by cork screwing your hands outward as you drive the bar up. Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – Part 2 (The Burner) – 16 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) Every 4 Minutes on the 4 Minutes Complete… 15 Double Dumbbell Chest Flys 15 Standing Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Same Time)...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bench Press (Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh Part 1 – Bench Press 15 Minutes 5 Sets of 5 Bench Press 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%, 80- 85%) Athletes, bench press requires your legs and core just as much as any other movement we do. Whether you’re tucking your feet under or creating a firm stable flat footed base on the ground, think about squeezing your glutes as your drive your feet and tighten your core with a strong diaphragm breath held deep. While you’re pushing the bar, elbows should track 45 degrees and you can think about doing this by cork screwing your hands outward as you drive the bar up. Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – Part 2 (The Burner) – 16 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) Every 4 Minutes on the 4 Minutes Complete… 15 Double Dumbbell Chest Flys 15 Standing Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Same Time)...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bench Press (Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh Part 1 – Bench Press 15 Minutes 5 Sets of 5 Bench Press 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%, 80- 85%) Athletes, bench press requires your legs and core just as much as any other movement we do. Whether you’re tucking your feet under or creating a firm stable flat footed base on the ground, think about squeezing your glutes as your drive your feet and tighten your core with a strong diaphragm breath held deep. While you’re pushing the bar, elbows should track 45 degrees and you can think about doing this by cork screwing your hands outward as you drive the bar up. Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – Part 2 (The Burner) – 16 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) Every 4 Minutes on the 4 Minutes Complete… 15 Double Dumbbell Chest Flys 15 Standing Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Same Time)...
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CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Bench Press (Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh Part 1 – Bench Press 15 Minutes 5 Sets of 5 Bench Press 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%, 80- 85%) Athletes, bench press requires your legs and core just as much as any other movement we do. Whether you’re tucking your feet under or creating a firm stable flat footed base on the ground, think about squeezing your glutes as your drive your feet and tighten your core with a strong diaphragm breath held deep. While you’re pushing the bar, elbows should track 45 degrees and you can think about doing this by cork screwing your hands outward as you drive the bar up. Daily Bodybuilding Bro Sesh – Part 2 (The Burner) – 16 Minutes (4 Rounds for weight) Every 4 Minutes on the 4 Minutes Complete… 15 Double Dumbbell Chest Flys 15 Standing Double Dumbbell Bicep Curls (Same Time)...
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