CrossFit Republic – CrossFit Daily Strength W.O.D. – 18 Minutes (6 Rounds for weight) Every 3 Minutes on the 3 Minutes Complete… 3 Back Squats (From the Rack) 70%, 75%, 80%, 80%, 80%, 80-85% Score all 6 sets Athletes, today’s back squat will be in our strength zone for rep range. We’ve been working a lot of hypertrophy and tempo squatting lately so today, I want you to take two things from what you’ve learned from those experiences: Staying engaged in the core and back as you externally rotate at the hips driving the knees over the toes throughout the entire length of the set. Maintaining a steady tempo from start to finish, not rushing to the bottom of our squat and staying patient as we drive out of the hole and through those sticky points . Daily Conditioning W.O.D. – 10 Minutes (Time) For Time 3 Rounds 250/200 Meter...
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